Blogs & Articles

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Strict to Lenient: Parenting Styles - A Continuum Approach

A blog on how parenting styles impact children's development.
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Embracing Hearts: Magic of Unconditional Love

Embrace unconditional love to nurture yourself and transform your mental health.
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Gratitude Diaries: Transform Your Life with Simple Acts of Thanks

Gratitude: A simple technique of self-care and self-love to see things positively!
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Understanding the Mind-Body Connect

A blog on acknowledging and fostering the mind-body connection for a healthier, more balanced life.
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Aligning the Mind and Spirit through the Body

Yoga - Aligning body, mind and the soul
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D-Stress for those in Crisis

Praan's Distress Helpline - Hope and Help, just a phone call away
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Take Time Out for Self-Love: Ways to Cultivate a Joyful Life

Love yourself first to find true joy and balance...
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Let’s Break the Silence to Shed the Stigma

The blog discusses mental health stigma, emphasizing the importance of breaking the silence and sharing personal stories.
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Power of Psychometric Assessments: Understanding Human Potential

Discover how psychometric assessments reveal strengths & aid growth in humans.