The Curious Me Meets the Healing Arts : My Journey as a Therapist

The journey of a therapist and her curiosity to blend the heling modalities together for the benefit her clients.
R Rachana
April 26, 2024
min read

Little did I know that back in 2006, when I completed my Diploma in Yoga Education, my future healing sessions would be intricately woven with the principles of Yogic Anatomy. At that time, my focus was primarily on physically engaging with yoga through various postures, aiming to comprehend the nuances of each asana.

A transformative shift occurred when I delved into the teachings of Yoga Sutra and Yogic Anatomy, rooted in the profound understanding of Prana—the life force that animates all existence.

Yoga Sutra's wisdom, encapsulated in "Yogas Citta Vrtti Nirodhah" ("yoga is the cessation of the modifications, or fluctuations, of the mind"), unveiled yoga as a psycho-spiritual science, beckoning us to explore the depths of our inner world. The journey extended into Acupuncture, revealing a captivating connection with the ancient principles of Yin and Yang and the intricate energy pathways known as Meridians. The concept of Yin and Yang refers to the balance in the duality in every aspect, whether it is the seasons the human body, or the mind. The dualities inherent in nature, such as hot and cold, day and night, male and female, active and passive etc. For example, too much water causes flood, and too much heat and no water cause drought. If we apply the same principle to the body and mind, the imbalance causes a disorder.

The combination of the Tibetan singing Bowls and Hypnotherapy created magic in my healing sessions. It was a perfect balance between stillness and vibration. Tibetan Singing Bowls produce resonant vibrations that permeate through the body, mind, and soul. The unique frequencies emitted by each bowl align with the body's energy centers, altering the brain waves therefore promoting balance and harmony. The calming sound of the bowls induces a meditative state, facilitating relaxation, stress reduction, and an overall sense of well-being. While Hypnotherapy, a profound psychological tool, invites individuals into a state of heightened awareness and receptivity. In this altered state of consciousness, the subconscious mind becomes more accessible, allowing for the exploration and rewiring of deep-seated beliefs and patterns. By tapping into the subconscious realm, individuals can address issues such as stress, anxiety, trauma, and even habits or behaviors that hinder personal growth. It allows an individual to look at them “as they are”, accept them as they are, and then make a new informed choice rather, than letting go of old patterns of guilt, resentment, frustration, anxiety, etc.. The energetic aspect of the body is the mind and the grosser aspect of the mind is the body. Indeed, the interconnectedness of the body and mind is profound. Addressing one often has positive effects on the other, creating a holistic approach to healing.

Overall benefits

Stress Reduction: The calming effect of both the bowls and Hypnotherapy alleviates stress, promotes mental and emotional well-being

Emotional Release: Hypnotherapy aids in exploring and releasing deep-seated emotions, while the bowls' vibrations facilitate energetic shifts

Clarity and Focus: Sessions enhance mental clarity and focus by addressing subconscious barriers

Improved Sleep: The relaxing impact induces a serene mental state, fostering improved sleep patterns

Holistic Balancing: The vibrational frequencies align the body's energy centers (Chakras, Koshas, Meridians) promoting holistic balance and healing physical disorders.

Expanding on my healing practices, I’m researching the infusion of healing herbs into the Tibetan Singing Bowls. The revelation? The Vibrational resonance of these bowls becomes a conduit for the herb’s essence to be absorbed into the body through the resonant vibration. It provides a unique and immersive therapeutic experience, nourishing the body, mind, and soul.

I am sharing my experience on the occasion of Mental Wellness Month observed in January. In my quest to discover various therapies, I have observed the miracles that Mother Nature has to offer us. It's up to us to become aware of the above therapies, understand them, and utilize them with the guidance of a professional therapist. They have an amazing impact on the human mind, body, and soul as a stand-alone therapy and also as a combination of therapies. Being natural in their existence these therapies complement and supplement each other if deployed rightly. Therapies help balance and open the blocked channels in the body. It helps the individual who receives it in multiple ways, not just when you are feeling sick but otherwise too.

“Therapy is too good to be limited to the sick”. - Erving Polster

R. Rachana, Sound, Hypnotherapy, and Past Life Regression Therapist

R Rachana
April 26, 2024
min read