From the locker room to the boardroom : applying sports psychology in the workplace

A professional cricketer's take on sports psychology.
Karthik Iyer
July 3, 2024
min read

Dear Readers,

Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Karthik, a professional cricketer, certified coach, engineer, and product manager in a mental health tech start-up called Praan Mental Wellness. I will be connecting with you all and sharing my journey and understanding of sports psychology through a series of blogs titled ‘Silly Point by Karthik

Most of you might know that a silly point in cricket means a fielder is placed closer than a conventional point fielder would normally stand and stands very close to the batting position. I am someone who views Sports as a metaphor for life and has witnessed the ebbs and flows of getting immersed in sports from a young age. Sports was and is my lifeline always, as it has transcended my journey for good over the years and has allowed me to maintain my sanity. Sports is therapeutic and has helped me to not only "walk around the obstacles but rather walk through the obstacles". Having played sports at the professional level, I have seen the game in close quarters on how athletes evolve when faced with multiple challenges in their career either while playing sports at a competitive level or while coaching young players now.

Let me begin with the broad categorization of any sports.

This is into four aspects of the game:

(1) Physical

2) Tactical

(3) Technical

(4) Mental

While most of the yesteryear players and coaches who have played and achieved success gave importance to the physical, tactical, and technical aspects of the game, the Mental aspect of the game was not the point of focus. This narrative has changed in recent years wherein mental conditioning has gained prominence for good as players, coaches, parents, and administrators involved in the sports fraternity are making efforts to train athletes and in turn, creating those attributes that enable them to be mentally tough and overcome challenges in pursuit towards excellence. There is a famous saying in sports that "When the going gets tough, the tough should get going" and that's primarily the reason why people look at mental aspects of the game differently and make conscious efforts to equip them on those lines.

These concepts are quite intriguing to know about. In my blog series, I will walk you through the deeper levels of sports Psychology and how it positively impacts athletes' careers and key takeaways for people who are involved in corporate jobs wherein sometimes the deliverables can be quite taxing. I will be covering the fascinating stories of athletes, and coaches in this series and the impact of sports psychology on their careers in real time and we will be providing our end readers with in-depth insights.

Enjoy reading below, my first blog in the series

From the Locker Room to the Boardroom: Applying Sports Psychology in the Workplace:

In the realm of sports, psychology plays a vital role in enhancing performance and fostering mental resilience. Athletes have long recognized the importance of mental conditioning to achieve their goals. However, the principles of sports psychology extend beyond the athletic arena and have found valuable applications in the workplace. By applying sports psychology techniques and strategies, individuals and organizations can unlock their full potential, elevate their performance, and thrive in the competitive landscape of the modern workplace.

Many athletes engage in pre-competition routines to get into the right mindset before a game or event. Similarly, employees can benefit from establishing pre-work routines to prepare themselves mentally and emotionally for the day's demands. This could involve activities such as meditation, visualization, or positive self-talk, enabling individuals to approach their tasks with focus, confidence, and a clear mind.

Furthermore, sports psychology emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and managing emotions effectively. Athletes learn techniques to regulate their emotions and stay composed under pressure. In the workplace, emotional intelligence is equally valuable. By developing self-awareness, individuals can identify and understand their emotions, allowing them to respond more effectively to challenges, conflicts, and stressors. Cultivating emotional intelligence enables better communication, collaboration, and decision-making, contributing to a healthier work environment and increased productivity.

Teamwork and collaboration are integral to both sports and the workplace. Sports psychology recognizes the significance of teamwork in achieving shared goals. Athletes learn to communicate effectively, trust their teammates, and leverage each other's strengths. In the workplace, fostering a culture of collaboration enhances productivity, innovation, and overall success. Applying sports psychology principles such as team-building exercises, fostering open communication, and developing trust can strengthen teamwork and create a cohesive and high-performing work environment.

Apart from mental and emotional preparation, our physical well-being plays a pivotal role in achieving peak performance, both in sports and at the workplace. This connection underscores the profound interrelationship between what we consume and mind and body, where the body acts as a microcosm of our mental and emotional states. A crucial aspect often overlooked in professional settings is nutrition—the fuel we provide our bodies directly influences mental clarity, energy levels, and overall performance. Drawing inspiration from the sports world, where diet can significantly impact an athlete's performance, we can look up to eminent sports personalities like Novak Djokovic. Djokovic, renowned as one of the greatest tennis players, attributes much of his success to a shift towards a gluten-free and healthier diet, which alleviated breathlessness and frequent breakdowns during matches. This transformation underscores the potential impact of dietary choices on performance. Just as Djokovic enhanced his athletic performance through nutritional adjustments, incorporating mindful eating habits into our work routines can foster better focus, energy, and resilience, further unlocking our potential in the workplace.

This narrative of transformation is not just limited to the realm of physical health and dietary changes. It also extends into the very spirit of human determination and ingenuity, illustrating how challenges: physical, mental, or circumstantial, can serve as catalysts for extraordinary achievements. Such is the story of Sheetal Devi, a young woman from Kashmir who, despite facing daunting challenges from birth, has carved a path of remarkable success and inspiration.

Sheetal Devi, despite being born without arms due to a rare condition known as Phocomelia, her unwavering spirit led her to the world of archery, a discipline where the mastery of one's arms seems indispensable. Against all odds, she embraced the sport and excelled at it, securing two gold medals at the Asian Para Games. Sheetal's journey is a powerful reminder of the limitless potential that lies within each of us when we leverage our inner strengths, adapt to our circumstances, and persist through adversity. Her story serves as an inspiration in the workplace, encouraging us to look beyond conventional limitations, innovate in the face of challenges, and achieve excellence through resilience and determination, proving that barriers can be transformed into stepping stones toward achieving the extraordinary.

Finally, just as athletes have coaches and mentors, individuals in the workplace can benefit from mentorship and coaching relationships. Sports psychologists provide athletes with guidance, support, and strategies to overcome obstacles and maximize their potential. Similarly, in the workplace, mentors and coaches can offer valuable insights, feedback, and support for professional growth and development. They can help individuals identify their strengths, address weaknesses, and navigate career challenges, leading to continuous improvement and success.

From the locker room to the boardroom, embracing sports psychology empowers individuals to unlock their full potential, achieve success, and create a positive and high-performing work environment.

Karthik Iyer
July 3, 2024
min read