Pets for Mental Health

How our pets' presence is therapeutic to our mind
Gali Kavita Yadaiah
August 5, 2024
min read
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened ”- Anatole France.

 Pets are often referred to as man’s best friend. Humans are considered to be the most evolved creatures on the planet earth and that is based on various factors. One most important one is the emotional quotient and this over the years has been the factor shared with animals too. Animals do have emotions and just like any other human beings’ emotions impacting us, animals’ emotions also have a profound impact on our emotions and vice-versa. There is enough empirical data to support this and I wanted to add the experiences of a few of our volunteers at Praan. 

People who have pets were initially referred to as ‘pet owners’ but understanding the bond between the human and the pet, the nomenclature used now is ‘pet parent’. This is significant in the understanding of the bond that’s created between the two. It’s a different joy to comprehend that someone from another species reciprocates your emotions and most of this reciprocation is on a very selfless plane. The unconditional love from the pet helps in multiple ways and has a profound impact on our human mental health. There are studies that show that having a pet in your life can improve mood, lower stress and ease loneliness. Pets can also help in reducing anxiety and depression. Pets are really mood elevators for human beings. 

This blog is curated by summarizing the beautiful stories narrated by our volunteers, who are pet lovers and pet parents. Truly interesting to experience how each one of them has been touched and healed by their pets. 

Shree Kavya: A single mom with a teenage kid, takes care of four cats, two dogs, and some animals in her community. She runs an organization to help animals. She's been doing this for 20 years. She started by rescuing animals and now teaches, trains, and gives advice to pet owners. Her rescue work has made her happy and taught her a lot. But she also feels sad when she sees animals being treated badly, getting hurt in accidents, or dying. The volunteer felt this to be tough and has hurt her mental health. She cherishes her two pets: Honey, a 16-year-old dog, and Blacky, an 8-year-old cat. These animals have been her steady pillars of support and solace. Honey has stood by her side through her split, hardships, and life as a single mom. This loyal companion offers boundless affection and approval without any bias. Blacky came into her life during a tough bout of depression. This feline friend has a soothing effect snuggling up when she feels down and engaging in play when she's in high spirits. She says her pets give her strength to keep going in life even when others are quick to judge her choices. Their constant love and support have had an influence on her focus on mental health and her work to advocate for the cause.

Taizeen: Her pet dog has been by her side since she was a kid. When she comes home from work and is feeling down or frustrated, her dog's excited greeting cheers her up. She remembers an emotional time when her sister got married and moved out. Her dog seemed to pick up on the family's sadness and tried to comfort them by coming over and nudging their hands.

Shalini: She talks about fostering a cat named Sam, which was meant to be a short-term adoption but turned into a long-term adopted pet that has changed her family's mental health for the better. Sam's fun personality and childlike curiosity have brought happiness, laughter, and a new love for life's simple joys.

It’s fascinating to see how animals (pets) have been able to aid humans in the betterment of their mental health and wellbeing. The unconditional love and care that is shared by these creatures is something unimaginable. I would also draw an analogy from our Indian scriptures and stories from Puranas, where the Indian Gods and Goddesses are depicted often with their ‘Vahans’ or the pet animals that carry them. For instance, Lord Ganapathi (Mouse), Lord Shiva (Nandi, The Bull), Kartikeya (Peacock), Lord Bhairava (Dog), Lord Indra (Elephant), Lord Brahma (Swan), Goddess Durga (Lion), and many more. Are these the literal Vahanas or Carriers of the Gods/ Goddess or are they meant to provide solace and comfort in their life journey, This Is something to think about….

Contributors: Shree Kavya, Taizeen and Shalini (VIP Volunteers)

Gali Kavita Yadaiah
August 5, 2024
min read