D-Stress for those in Crisis

Praan's Distress Helpline - Hope and Help, just a phone call away
Mrunal Bakshi
June 6, 2024
min read

Life can be overwhelming sometimes. Between work, relationships, and the daily grind, it's easy to feel stressed, anxious, or even hopeless. Sometimes, you just need someone to talk to, someone who understands and won't judge. In such a world, where you are constantly surrounded by stressors, at times we feel that it is essential to have an outlet to discuss and navigate through mental distress.

Being able to talk about one's mental state is crucial, yet it can be immensely challenging and may evoke strong emotions. That's why having a safe and non-judgmental space to express ourselves is important. Also, a safe space for conversations contributes to breaking the silence around mental health and reducing stigma. Sharing personal stories and experiences can be more impactful than any other intervention. The need for a non-judgmental listener in times of crisis remains paramount. 

That’s where Praan’s distress helpline steps in as a lifeline, providing relentless 24/7 support to those in need across India. Acknowledging one's mental state and being able to talk through the emotions tied to it can often be the first step to recovery. It is vital to understand that mental well-being isn't just a solitary journey, it is a shared experience where trained professionals offer the necessary support and empathy. Unfortunately, many struggle to find unbiased, empathetic listeners in their immediate environment. Our toll-free distress helpline bridges this gap and ensures no call for help goes unheard.

But how exactly can a helpline be so helpful?

Why Talking Helps:

  • Validation: Bottling up emotions can be damaging. Talking to a trained professional allows you to express your feelings and have them validated. This can be incredibly powerful, reducing feelings of isolation and reminding you that you're not alone.
  • Coping Mechanisms: Trained volunteers at helplines can teach you coping skills to manage anxiety, stress, or other overwhelming emotions. These techniques can become valuable tools you carry with you long after the call.
  • Perspective Shift: Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh perspective to see a situation differently. Talking through your problems with a supportive listener can help you gain a new outlook and approach challenges in a more constructive way.

Praan's helpline goes beyond just offering a listening ear. Our team is comprised of psychology professionals trained to understand the complexities of mental health. The 3 principles of Rogerian Therapy/Counselling form the foundation for our Distress Helpline. Person-centered therapy, which was given by Carl Rogers, states the importance of three attributes of the therapist which form the core part of the empathetic listening process. He emphasized that if the client experienced these three conditions from the end of the counselor, then the rapport would be established effectively and the client would feel the process of therapeutic change. The following are the three principles mentioned by Rogers -

  1. Empathic Connection: This means truly paying attention to the words and emotions of the client, reflecting back on what is being heard, and validating the feelings without judgment. This empathic connection allows the client to feel understood and respected, fostering a sense of trust and openness.
  2. Unconditional Positive Regard: This core principle of Rogerian therapy translates to accepting you for who you are without judgment. This creates a safe space for the client to explore their thoughts and feelings honestly, knowing that they won't be criticized or blamed. This unconditional acceptance can be incredibly empowering, fostering self-compassion and a belief in a person’s ability to feel de-stressed.
  3. Congruence: Congruence is the most important attribute, according to Rogers. This implies that the therapist is real and/or genuine, open, integrated, and authentic during their interactions with the client. The therapist does not have a facade, that is, the therapist's internal and external experiences are one and the same. In short, the therapist is authentic. 

At Praan's helpline, our volunteers understand the power of these three principles and implement them while talking to the distress callers.

In moments of acute crisis, timely intervention can be lifesaving. The immediate response of the distress helpline volunteers helps stabilize the caller, providing them with the support they need to navigate through their distress. The trained volunteers are adept at anxiety and stress management techniques, ensuring that every escalated call receives the attention and action it necessitates. This ensures that individuals in crisis, regardless of their situation, can access the support they need without any barriers. The aim is to provide assistance to those who may not have had access to such services otherwise.

The helpline's reach extends throughout the country, transcending geographical barriers to provide support to anyone in need. The volunteers are well-versed in different Indian languages. In the reporting year 2023-24 alone, we received around 2,595 calls from various regions, highlighting the widespread influence and necessity of our service. Each call represents a life touched, an emergency averted, and a step taken toward better mental health.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life, the need for accessible mental health support becomes more pronounced. Our distress helpline stands as a beacon of hope, offering free, 24/7 support to anyone in need. By spreading awareness about this essential service, you can help extend its reach and impact. 

In times of distress, a single call to our helpline could indeed be a lifeline. Reach out, speak up, and let us be there for you every step of the way.

Praan's Distress Helpline Number - 8142800800

Mrunal Bakshi
June 6, 2024
min read